About Us

The UIB Relativity and Gravitation Group is one of the pioneering groups in Spain in the study of gravitational waves, with a long track-record of participation in large international collaborations, playing an important role in the study of gravitational wave sources and the development of gravitational wave data analysis algorithms. The group is a member of LIGO and GEO, two major international projects dedicated to the detection of gravitational waves. We are also involved in the LISA, the European space-borne gravitational wave detector project, and the design study for the Einstein Telescope, a third generation gravitational wave detector.

The UIB Relativity group is a leading expert on the development of hyperbolic formulations of the Einstein field equations, as well as other topics relevant for numerical relativity. Its contributions go from the most theoretical issues, like that of coordinate gauge choices or singularity avoidance, to the applied ones, like finite-volume algorithm design, including topics like constraint-preserving boundary conditions, in which both theoretical and applied aspects converge.

We participate in two national leading scientific projects, CPAN (National Center for Particle, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics) and Multidark (Multimessenger Approach for Dark Matter Detection). The UIB Group is a foundational member of the Institute of Applied Computing with Community Code (IAC3), which focuses on the development of open source scientific software for computational simulation with a sound basis in computer science. The group is also a member of the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC). The group hosts the Pleiades cluster, a BULLX B510 with 192 computer cores, an older 48-node Linux cluster, and participates in allocations at international computing centers at BSC and CESGA in Spain, allocations at LRZ Munich, the Vienna Scientific Cluster, and the TeraGrid (USA), through Sascha Husa and Alicia Sintes.

The UIB Relativity group is supported by research grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the local Government of the Balearic Islands. It also benefits from the support of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) at Barcelona and the European Union (COST Action).

Contact Us

Relativity and gravitation group. Physics Department and Institute of Applied Computing & Community Code (IAC3).

Location: Mateu Orfila Building. UIB Campus, Cra. Valldemossa km. 7.5, E-07122 Palma (Illes Balears), Spain.